Monthly Archives: June 2011

June 30, 1902

A fine day; the first good day we have had for some time. The sun has shone all day and all life seems to rejoice. I went down to Jefferson today. Paid down interest on the four notes and had … Continue reading

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June 29, 1902

It is another rainy day and the eighth day of successive raining as it rained last Sunday and each day of the week. Corn is excessively small for the time of year and the continued cool weather has retarded its … Continue reading

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June 25, 1902

It has not rained to speak of today tho a little this morning. This afternoon was a good spell to work in the cornfield which is needing attention. It has rained three successive nights & the coolness of the weather … Continue reading

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June 23, 1902

Took Abbie to the train today by which she went to Jefferson to attend Teachers’ Institute. I settled with W. Dudley for the pipe and wire and received payment for the corn of which the sixth load was hauled today … Continue reading

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June 21, 1902

Plowed the corn this A.M. and in the P.M went to Churdan to discuss telephone with a company who propose(s) to run to Churdan and wants to use our poles. We proposed to put on cross bars and rent them … Continue reading

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June 20, 1902

I have spent most of the day plowing corn on the South Bottom (field). Returned yesterday from Glenwood whither we had taken Myrtle. The weather has been rainy for some time. It rained nearly all day yesterday tho the sun … Continue reading

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June 16, 1902

A fine day and dry, tho very cool. The improvement in the weather is greatly appreciated since the rainy week just closed. I just finished plowing my corn the first time over this forenoon, and this afternoon, we, Frank and … Continue reading

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June 14, 1902

This has been a very hot day. I think it has been the hottest of the season tho it has been very hot and showery of late. This was the last day of Abbie’s school, a very jolly day for … Continue reading

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June 12, 1902

A very disagreeable day; light showers having fallen at intervals all day. I recommenced plowing (cultivating) on the bottom (fields) this morning; ground my shovels at noon. Harve put up an emery apparatus yesterday. This evening I with Ernest set … Continue reading

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June 10, 1902

Tuesday I spent the forenoon pulling Morning Glories. I hived a swarm of bees, or tried to, but they returned to the old hive. This afternoon I went down and helped Henry (Stephenson) put in the drift wire on the … Continue reading

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