Monthly Archives: August 2011

August 30, 1902

This morning rain falling from 3 until 7 o’clock had everything a’soak. We, Ma and I, wrote a letter to Myrtle. I cleaned the batteries on the ‘phone. Did a little grubbing (clearing of brush and tree roots) and patched … Continue reading

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August 29, 1902

Have just returned from Ernest’s, having helped him Wednesday, Thurs. & this Friday forenoon. Ernest Bolton, pictured.

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August 26, 1902

Mon. 25th was rainy all day. Tues. was fair, & on this 26th, H & I put up the hay on the school ground.

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August 24, 1902

Sunday, the forenoon has been fair, but the eve is little seemed to be showery. Yesterday & Friday Harve & I were over trying to help Ernest finish his hay. Mr. Wood was over this evening to get help from … Continue reading

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August 22, 1902

Morning yesterday Harve and I repaired the fence South of his brush field. It was a fair day tho somewhat cloudy. Ernest came over in the P.M. and paid Pa & Harve. (Ernest) wants H. (Brother Harvey Bolton) and I … Continue reading

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August 20, 1902

Myrtle’s (18th) birthday & I guess is the first one which she has ever spent away from home. (Myrtle is pictured at a family picnic in 1907 with Lee Bolton in the background.) A fair day but as so many … Continue reading

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August 17, 1902

(Written) August 17th Following a period of neglect I find some difficulty in recalling all of my movements of the last week. Monday on record of last page. Tuesday finished laying the tile in the A.M.; in the P.M. helped … Continue reading

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August 11, 1902

A good day, following a very cool night. I have deepened the tile drain today. Ma and Frank went to Hunt’s today and bot 2 bu. of Whitneys @ 25¢. This is the day of W & K Lawsuit. Yesterday … Continue reading

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August 7, 1902

A fine day, cool and pleasant; the rain seems to be over for a time. Threshing is now in progress. Henry is helping Lafe (his cousin, Lafayette Cochran) today. Frank and I were digging for the tile to drain the … Continue reading

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August 5, 1902

This has been a very pleasant day. A number of cattle from the West pasture having gotten on to the North Bottom cornfield; we returned them this morning and repaired the fence. This P.M. we, Henry, Harve, and I, went … Continue reading

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