A rainy day.
This forenoon I helped Harve get his black calf home & this P.M. put in a tile culvert south of the place here.
Yesterday I went to Churdan – brot out the tile, also 500 lbs. shorts W.C.P. (Wire Connection Pieces?) (For Telephone?)
A rainy day.
This forenoon I helped Harve get his black calf home & this P.M. put in a tile culvert south of the place here.
Yesterday I went to Churdan – brot out the tile, also 500 lbs. shorts W.C.P. (Wire Connection Pieces?) (For Telephone?)
Another fair day.
We got the hay straightened up today.
A fine day; the fairer we have seen this wk. thus far this forenoon.
I shut up the shotes (young male pigs) & raked some hay in the afternoon.
Pa and I hauled up four jags (loads), 2 of Timothy (horse hay), 2 of wild (grass).
Henry sowed his winter wheat today & went to Scranton leaving Willie to shovel it in.
Harve is digging his potatoes today.
Yesterday I cut a little fodder & shook out the wild hay which was still in the windrow.
A frost last night & a sign of rain this evening.
A most disagreeable day, not cold, but very raining, starting with a spatter at about eight this morn.
It has made a steady afternoon of it.
Water is lying all over the ground.
I did a little work on the buggy shed this forenoon.
Yesterday we were up at Thos. Toyne’s.
Today has been fine the more remarkable after the storm that raved last night.
I cut some corn this A.M. and in the afternoon mowed some of the second growth hay.
It is fine this year, the best I ever saw, tho it cuts very hard.
A cloudy day, tho pleasant and cool to work.
Harve and I made a well at home here today.
Wm. Ritchie paid me 10¢ on telephone messages tonight.
Yesterday I was in town & received from Ecklund $2.10 for message fees received to date.
Turned this amount over to treasurer.
Today was a continuation of the rain storm which commenced yesterday and spattered some today.
I gathered some walnuts this morning.
This P.M. hauled some wood and gathered some corn.
Sunday went to S.S. (Sunday School) and returned by way of Ernest’s.
(Ernest lived on the farm where Daryl Toyne lives, just North of the Raccoon River, North of Ralston. The house is still standing.)
Just returned from Ernest’s; drove Doll (horse’s name) over, brot back two sacks of apples.
The day has been rather rainy, having started to rain at 8 o’clock this morning.
Have been cutting a little corn in the last few days.
A fair day, cool and dry and withal fit weather to dry the fodder beyond a sufficient value to warrant cutting.
I cut some this A.M and in the P.M. mowed the wild grass in the slough, though it is yet far from dry.
Pa and Harve bored a well today on the North (side of the farm). (Where Harve would live.)
I spent the afternoon cutting corn on the… (unintelligible) …this morning being a little rainy.
Casey was unable to thresh.
Tomorrow is to be a great day at Lohrville as the leading feature of the carnival is the ball game to be pulled off.