Tag Archives: finances

December 3, 1902

A very bad day for anything. Yesterday began with a light rain which continued until evening when it started to snow, and kept it up until this morning and now, a strong wind having blown all day from the North; … Continue reading

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November 26, 1902

Last night brot the first real taste of winter. A little snow and a big freeze so of course the ground plowed quite hard today. I made very good headway on the grade today: expect to finish the East end … Continue reading

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November 17, 1902

This morning was the most marked by frost of any of the season as it hung from every light substance until noon. This forenoon I count nearly lost to me, as I waited at the bridge to see Toyne until … Continue reading

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November 1, 1902

Nov. 1st. Has been a good day, however holy. I have spent most of the day on the pig-house and seem to have achieved very little. This evening it rained a little, and the air is so mild as to … Continue reading

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October 22, 1902

This forenoon we fenced the hay stacks and got the cattle into the meadows & in the P.M. went to Churdan by way of the south road. Asked W.L. Bates to pay the tax that is the second installment of … Continue reading

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September 25, 1902

A cloudy day, tho pleasant and cool to work. Harve and I made a well at home here today. Wm. Ritchie paid me 10¢ on telephone messages tonight. Yesterday I was in town & received from Ecklund $2.10 for message … Continue reading

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August 11, 1902

A good day, following a very cool night. I have deepened the tile drain today. Ma and Frank went to Hunt’s today and bot 2 bu. of Whitneys @ 25¢. This is the day of W & K Lawsuit. Yesterday … Continue reading

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May 27, 1902

Today I finished planting the piece of corn up by the school (Country School, Cedar #8) and began on the NW or Hill Field. The weather has been quite cool, there having been a light frost last night. Best flour … Continue reading

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May 22, 1902

This has been a good growing day. The almost daily showers and warm breezes make all kinds of vegetation jump. It has rained a very heavy shower this evening. I went over to W. Ritchie’s for a load of hay … Continue reading

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March 28, 1902

Has been a very fine day and this evening it is much cooler with a N.W. wind since sundown. This was the last day of Abbie’s school, the third term she has taught in Reading No. 9, Calhoun Co. I … Continue reading

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