Tag Archives: Friends Church

August 5, 1902

This has been a very pleasant day. A number of cattle from the West pasture having gotten on to the North Bottom cornfield; we returned them this morning and repaired the fence. This P.M. we, Henry, Harve, and I, went … Continue reading

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July 20, 1902

July 20th, Sunday A fair day which we spent over at (brother) Ernest’s. (North of Ralston, where Daryl Toyne lives today.) The ‘Coon (Raccoon River) is going down slowly and the fields everywhere are very wet. Small grain harvesting and … Continue reading

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May 15, 1902

A very cool day, uncomfortable to work. Started the planter today, planting the brush ground south. Started on the North Bottom this P.M. but broke the checkrower and had to stop and repair it. Planted nearly eight rows of potatoes … Continue reading

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February 17, 1902

Another fine day such as are always welcome. I have spent most of this day in chopping wood on the forty. (cord wood) Did not go to church yesterday as the church has been quarantined.

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January 3, 1902

This morning was quite cool, but fine for winter weather. The roads are grand. I rode my wheel down to a funeral this A.M. that of a Mrs. A.J. Gray. The Friends Church was crowded.

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