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February 17, 1902
Another fine day such as are always welcome. I have spent most of this day in chopping wood on the forty. (cord wood) Did not go to church yesterday as the church has been quarantined.
January 30, 1902
This has been the finest day of the week which has been a very stormy one. It thawed a little today but spattered snow all forenoon. I have had a very bad cold today and feel quite unpleasant now; hope … Continue reading
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Tagged community development, family, farm life, health, weather
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January 14, 1902
This morning I went to Glidden to have some dental work done. Returned this evening and attended a telephone meeting.
January 9, 1902
This has been a very fine day but the sky is hazy tonight and bespeaks a storm. I went for another load of lumber today. Turkeys are quoted at 8¢ in town today. We learned that Alf Churdan came up … Continue reading